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Israel / Palestine

Israeli Military Operations in Gaza 2004

17 December 2020

In 2007 Executive Director Marwan Dalal filed a petition before the Israeli Supreme Court requesting it to order the Israeli prosecutorial and investigative authorities to investigate alleged serious violations of international law against civilians in Gaza during two military operations: Rainbow (18 – 24 May 2004) and Days of Penitence (28 September 2004 – 15 October 2004).


The Supreme Court rejected the petition on 8 December 2011, but noted the importance of its content (HCJ 3292/07).


Given the substance of this strategic petition, particularly the international criticism of Israel’s conduct, and the admission of specific military commanders about the deliberate harmful nature of the military operations, we decided to include it as part of this website, although it was accomplished prior to founding Grotius – Center for International Law and Human Rights.

See also Katrin Bennhold, "Israel Bans Use of Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields"New York Times, 6 October 2005. 

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